Monday, January 19, 2009

The idea of Obama and Rebranding America

Have you noticed all the Obama merchandise? It seems like an explosion of goods and music. The ladies of the View today visited a DC shop chock-full of Obama stuff. Ralph Lauren's ad in Sunday's NYTimes style section was an homage to the new Presidency, featuring a little African-American boy outfitted in full Lauren Americana of suspenders and straw boater! Today, Oprah offered "America's Song," created by and David Foster as a free download. Foster said that it only took 1 week from idea to execution--amazing speed for a collaborative creative project with big name artists (top pix).
It made me laugh to think back to 2004, my pal Alanna's friend, Stacey, was part of a group of young Republicans who had the back-porch idea to create and sell "W" ketchup as a response to the Kerry-Heinz campaign. It seems so quaint to think back to an idea like that, a mere 4 years ago, when the digital revolution was in the cradle and more traditional media drove buzz.
There's something bigger going on here today. It's not only the optimism and hope of the new presidency. It's the speed by which ideas and products can be created and spread into culture.
President Obama--on your inauguration day, the marketer in me toasts you...with Jones cola. To the spread of new ideas! To change and the transformation of the American brand! Yes We Can!

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