Friday, May 29, 2009

Breaking News: Karl Rove says we found WMDs!

That's one of the more interesting and inflammatory things I heard at last night's Speaker Series held in Chicago. Charlie Rose moderated as Rove and Carville volleyed. Rove didn't come off as diabolical as I expected (or wanted). A lot of discussion was spent talking about Iraq, much of the same old stuff I've been reading for the past six years. Of course Rove continued to justify Bush's rationale for Iraq. Rove said the efforts were productive--as we did turn up Weapons of Mass Destruction! In Libya--with Kadafi. Yeh, Momar was so freaked about our intentions to uncover Sadaam's WMDs, Kadafi voluntarily turned over his WMDs over to us. Carville questioned whether it was worth the trillions of dollars or the 130,000 troops expected to be stationed in Iraq until 2019?

Rove was "generous" to Obama at one point, saying he was happy Obama overturned his campaign promise to pull out of Iraq and keep 50,000 troops in Iraq. What transpired with our Iraq strategy reminds me of that old sign posted in my childhood days of the dimestore: "You touch it, you break it, you bought it, SOLD."

I was most interested to hear Rove, a master strategist speak. Last night gives us clues to where the Republicans are going to go strategically in the next election: Job Loss and Creation. Rove said Obama is behind on his promise to create 5 million new jobs and is keeping tabs on his website. As Carville said, "the guy has only been in office for 140 days!"

The thing that disappointed me was that there was little reference to Chicago, and our city's connection to politics and policy. After all, our new President: Chicago. Mary Matalin, associate to Rove and spouse of Carville: Chicago (a southeast-side girl, daughter of a steelworker, began her career at a beauty parlor!)

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