Thursday, October 1, 2009

One Year Later: The New is Now Anniversary

It was one year ago that I started this blog. Of course, the question is, "what have I learned from the experience?" The answer: it's hard to blog frequently. In fact, nearly impossible if you're working hard and trying to get some z's. I guess that's why some of the bloggers that inspired me most to blog (Russell Davies, planner extrodinaire), have dropped frequent blogging from their lives. The pull of other digital platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Delicious, have all taken hold of me in the past year too, making it harder to find time to write. I'm a walking example of Social media fragmentation at its finest!

When I started writing last October 1st, the world was much more dark and uncertain. The market was tailspinning. The election was a month away. The ad industry was painfully morphing into something--well, does anyone really have a fix on that even today? My inspiration was the tale of Gatsby and the green light at the end of the dock. It was my forward vision, my talisman for a hopeful future.

Is it karmic that I happen to be on my way to Gatsby's NY stomping grounds today? I'd like to think so.

Will this blog continue? Yes! But I know I won't be posting everyday. The secret is that I have another blog that's "just for me." Where I throw up pix and video that are interesting, just for laughs, that I want to archive for the future. If you're interested, check that one out on

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