About 3 years ago, AdAge reported that Renatta McCann (media guru at Starcom), would not approve a media plan to go out of the big house without an online ad strategy. It's an understatement to say times have changed. Today, it seems to make sense that every media plan should have an engagement strategy. Alas, many don't...or won't.
J&J has always been an online pioneer. They just launched a social media initiative targeting moms via MySpace and YouTube. Big-time mommy bloggers and celebs were hired to help spread the news. What's really interesting is the recession message overlay that encourages voluntary acts for the collective good. J Walker Smith (Yankelovich) identified the return to civic life as a "watch-for" trend for 2009. This is one of the first CPG initiatives I've seen that embraces this trend. It's smart to tap into the deep generosity and creativity of new moms.
Excerpt from AdAge:
"The recession aspect is a bit more subtle. The YouTube contest aims to provide new opportunities for moms to use social media to supplement their income. The MySpace program looks to let women who may be out of work remain active by volunteering for causes important to them and enable working women to help out charities whose coffers have been depleted by the recession. "
BTW: the videos on the brand's Youtube channel are darn cute. Every repression needs some cute to uplift us!