Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Knowing the source...of your beer

Having lived and marketed through the "natural ingredient-nothing added-knowing the source of your food" trend since the mid-1990s, I was surprised to see a beer now taking this approach. The "green" plants in Michelob's spot, which turns out be be hops, fist caught my attention. (I had no idea what hops look like. "Man from Munich" showcases the guy who sources hops in Germany. I even remembered the tagline after just one exposure, no small feat(Crafting a Better Beer). It gets me interested in the brand again (even if I'm not the target...last time I saw a 6-pack of Mich was at grandpa's).

This macro trend about knowing the ingredients and the source of the food continues to be oh-so relevant, and continues to pick-up steam as Michelle Obama makes this even more topical. I saw how connecting a brand to this food movement grew Gerber share 10+ points. Smart move for a beer brand to occupy this territory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By the way Carol, hops?
Card-carrying member of the cannabis family. Seriously.